Are self-affirmations only for high self-esteem people?

A recent article in Psychological Science (March, 2009) by Dr. Joan Wood and her colleagues from University of Waterloo has stirred up quite a bit of discussion about the value of self-affirmations. People started questioning if we’ve been all wrong in repeating positive statements to ourselves or believing in positive psychology. The findings of the study suggest that self-affirmations do work for high self-esteem people (who are already doing quiet well) and they actually backfire among low self-esteem people (who are believed to need the benefits more) by leading to negative mood.

So, shall we stop relying on self-affirmations on our journeys to be at our best? Well, I think that would be throwing the baby out with the bath water! I think there is great value in discussing if the self-affirmations work – this is a good time to weed out false assumptions and unrealistic expectations about how and when they work.

First of all, the skeptics are right about the value in repeating affirmations such as “I am great”,“I am successful in whatever I do” or “Life is a joy filled with delightful surprises” without even the slightest reality check! My own research has challenged the assumption of “having overly positive self-views is good for you”. Let’s do our reality check about the value of self-affirmations, shall we?

In social psychology literature there are quiet a few studies that would help us make sense of the self-affirmation business and the confusion around it. Dr. Bill Swann and his colleagues have published numerous articles about a need called “self-verification” – the need to collect evidence or feedback to validate the self-perceptions we have. In one study published in 1981 they pitted self-verification against self-enhancement: Do people prefer validating who they are or do they prefer to receive positive feedback even if it conflicts with their self-perceptions?

Their findings showed that when it comes to choosing between feedback that was consistent with people’s self-perceptions (self-verification) versus enhancing feedback that conflicted with self-perceptions, people preferred the former. In other words, positive feedback for a person who didn’t have positive self-perceptions was not readily acceptable, and he would rather take the verifying not-so-positive feedback.

Of course, the process was more straightforward for high self-esteem people – because positive feedback was in line with their already positive self-perceptions it further reinforced their self-perceptions.  Based on these findings we really shouldn’t be surprised about the recent findings on self-affirmation – that, it works better for high self-esteem people than their low self-esteem counterparts.

Similar set of results were reported by University of California researchers: self-affirmation helps high self-esteem people cope with stress by reducing psychological stress responses, while it actually exacerbates responses among low self-esteem people (Creswell et al, 2005; although it helped both groups by leading to a decrease in their physiological stress responses).  But no need to be discouraged – let me explain why…

Luckily, giving people positive feedback that conflicts with what they “know” about themselves (which is akin to using unrealistic self-affirmations) is not the only way to affirm the self. There is well-established evidence in social psychology that shows the benefits of an albeit a slightly different way of affirming the self. This form of self-affirmation involves thinking or writing about your core (personal and/or cultural) values and things you are competent at; and doing things, even small ones, in line with your values. Note that, here the affirmations are not unrealistic or overly positive statements. They are also not global statements such as “I am good enough” or “I am lovable”. They are about specific values (e.g., family, legacy, fairness) or competencies (e.g., being a supportive team member, a good tennis player).

These self-affirmations have been shown to help people to restore their self-image especially following a blow to their self-esteem. In other words, especially after a failure or rejection, affirming the self this way helps you bounce back quickly. They work especially well if affirmations are done in an unrelated domain. In other words, when you receive a negative feedback at work, use self-affirmations about your relationships.

A recent study, which I had mentioned in my last post too, on further benefits of self-affirmation (Schmeichel & Vohs, 2009) showed its role in replenishing self-control, which is a limited resource that gets depleted after tasks that require will power.

Consider these situations that require self-control and will-power: getting yourself out of a negative mood; managing to generate positive thoughts following negative events; ability to manage emotions; ability to motivate yourself; delaying short-term gratification for future benefits. For sure you would want to have enough resources to be successful in accomplishing them – and self-affirmation is a tool you wouldn’t want to discard, regardless of your level of self-esteem.

One important point to consider then is what outcome we have in mind when we ask the question “Does self-affirmation work?” We have to ask more specific questions: Does it work in

  • feeling better about yourself? (Only for high self-esteem people, Wood et al.)
  • boosting your mood? (No for moods we are aware of; yes for unconscious moods which further decrease ruminative thoughts, Koole et al.)
  • strengthening the will power? (Yes, Schmeical & Vohs)
  • reducing perceptions of stress? (Only for high self-esteem people, Creswell et al.)
  • reducing physiological stress responses (Yes, Creswell et al.)

Then the take home message would be to continue using self-affirmations, but maybe in a different way/form that you had been using them:

  • Focus on your positive aspects (and contrary to popular belief, low self-esteem people also believe they do have some positive aspects) and affirm them by writing about them.
  • Reflect on your core personal values and/or the values of your culture, which form your worldview. Again, either write about these values, or take some action – small or big – to validate those values.

Warning: Research also suggests that self-affirmations are not effective when one tries too hard and is fully aware of using them to increase self-worth. So try to find more subtle ways of affirming the self. 

This entry was posted in mood, self-affirmation, self-control, self-esteem, stress. Bookmark the permalink.

7 Responses to Are self-affirmations only for high self-esteem people?

  1. Judy Krings says:

    Great article, and I appreciate your detail.

  2. marilynlrice says:


    I think self-affirmation is important for ALL women regardless of high or low self-esteem. Positivity achieves the positive as opposed to negative. I think you will be interested in my book where Sofia's self-affirmation becomes her saving grace.
    Best wishes, Marilyn

  3. Aliye Kurt - Suedhoff says:

    Thank you, Judy 🙂 I try to be comprehensive enough without making it too lengthy!

  4. Aliye Kurt - Suedhoff says:

    Dear Marilyn,
    Thanks for sharing your book – it sounds very interesting!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I am curious to know if in your opinion you think that the results of this study would apply to creative visualization? Would only high self-esteem people benefit or, are the 2 techniques different enough that self-esteem is simply not a factor when it comes to creative visualization.

  6. Aliye Kurt - Suedhoff says:

    Thank you for reading and for the interesting question!

    I think most of my arguments for self-affirmation would apply to visualization – meaning it depends on two things: a) how "creative" is the visualization (i.e. too unrealistic??) and b) what benefits are we talking about?

    In addition to these probably there's an important distinction that needs to be made between affirmation and visualization – visualizing has been shown to work in creating and strengthening neural pathways to improve performance if done regularly. For example, there're studies that show that participants who have only visualized exercising a skill (eg., playing the piano, doing basketball shots) performed somewhere between the control participants (who did nothing) and participants who physically exercised the skill.

    So I think people, both low and high self-esteem, would benefit if they are visualizing regularly about being better at something. But, going back to "how realistic" issue, I don't think one can become a recital pianist or an NBA player by visualizing!

    The type of visualization I refer to hear is basically mental rehearsal, which might be a bit different than what you have in mind with creative visualization. That's why at the beginning I mentioned: depends on what type of visualization.

    Does this answer your question?

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